Monday, January 3, 2011

Tiny people clothes. (Day 3)

I don't think you have to have a kid, want a kid, or know a kid to think baby clothes are one of the most precious things ever created. First of all, they are teeny tiny. They have to fit teeny tiny people, who in and amongst themselves are THE most precious thing ever created. They come in onesies, t-shirts, pants, coveralls, dresses, skirts, sailor suits even!

This is where I get into trouble each and every day. Lucas has tons of clothes. Tons of cute patterns, colors, textures. How in the world am I supposed to be able to choose what to dress him in? I LOVE how absolutely cute he looks in footie PJ's, but that's only one article of clothing that he gets to wear for an entire day. If I choose a onsie, he can also wear pants. These pants may or may not have coordinating fuzzy animals on the feet or backside. If you wear a onsie and pants, you could also add a jacket or a sweater. You see what kind of battle I face each morning?

I try to take into account the weather, the activities planned for the day, the previous days' outfit and sometimes I even think about what I might be wearing so that I can possibly coordinate. Once I finally choose an outfit, I then tend to think it's the cutest thing he has ever worn. Then, the next time I go into the armoire after laundry has been done, I have the possiblility of choosing one of those favorite outfits leaving a never worn outfit to remain in the drawer for another day. The duckie feet footie PJ's is a classic example of this. If it's clean, he wears it. I can't resist the duckie feet!

I thought about a solution to the footie PJ's vs complete outfit dilemma. Dress him in an outfit for the day, and footie PJ's at night. Sounds sane, right? You then do double the laundry, but you get to see two cute outfits a day. Haven't committed to this plan yet, but I do see it being a distinct possibility in the very near future. Kinda like a school outfit for daycare, and then he gets to come home and get in his snuggly PJ's. Very big kid sounding to me.

Today, I changed him out of VERY cute Winnie the Pooh footie PJ's, and I decided to go for an outfit that had never been worn. I went below the top layer of clothes in his drawer and found a gem. It's a onsie with a faux t-shirt under it, with cute little doggies on it. I then went to his pants drawer that has grown exponentially since his Grandma got him a bunch for Christmas. Does he wear knit pants, jeans, fleece pants, coveralls or courdoroys? Hard choices yet again. I first chose knit pants then realized he would look much cooler in the courdoroys! This was the right decision, 5 minutes later. Thank goodness he likes being naked, cause of course I took his old clothes off before I even picked out his new outfit!

From 9 weeks worth of dressing Lucas, I have learned the following. He willl grow out of clothes fast. He doesn't really care what he is in, as long as it's weather appropriate and comfortable. Make sure you rotate the clothes, there could be some hidden treasures at the bottom of the drawer that you don't even remember buying or getting!

I can't wait for the day when Lucas will gain some independence and request to dress himself. I think at this time, I can then be a sane Mom in the morning. It will be his choice on what he pairs with what, and I will LOVE every outfit he chooses, especially if he chooses duckie feet!


Lisa and Lucas

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