Monday, January 17, 2011

Cropping with Mommy! (Day 15)

Today was a crop day. An amazing day where you spend 12 hours (or as many as you can) scrapbooking at Scrappin' Happily Ever After
You bring your crop bag, Cricut, scrapping tools, and snacks and you set-up shop. I hadn't been to a crop since September, since it was kinda hard to sit and scrap once I got too far along in my pregnancy. So I was itching to go to the crop. I was not itching to leave Lucas for the day. So, he came with me! Note, Lucas sleeping in the bouncy seat to the left of my Cricut!
I was working on some projects I had going for him. The one I spent most of my time on is a 12 month calendar that has a layout on top and then a calendar on the bottom, and I fill in his milestones on the calendar. When it's complete I'll have a 2 page layout for each month of his first year. I made January and February at this crop!
He was a treat. He was asleep when we got there and stayed that way for a couple hours, and then ate, played a little, and then when back to sleep. He hung out in his bouncy seat when he was sleeping. I brought his playmat for playtime, and he was kept company by some very lovely ladies! He was SOO good. He always is, but I still am very proud of him when he goes into a new situation and handles it so well. At about 4 he decided he'd had enough. His Dad came and got him and they had a fun night together at home (that did not in any way include an ounce of sleep).
Mom and I left the crop at about 8. I got home in time to help feed Lucas, and then I put him down to bed. I had been talking to some ladies about his sleeping troubles, and the one common theme that came up is that I should swaddle him. I have done this before, but I give up when he starts crying. I don't let him get used to the feeling. So tonight I got out the swaddle wrap I had, and wrapped him up tight. Don't you know, he A: fell right asleep, and B: slept through the entire night!!! This was amazing. I wasn't sure if this was the magic of the swaddle or the sheer exhaustion he was dealing with. I really didn't care. I bowed down to that swaddle wrap Sunday morning. I needed the sleep as did he I guess.
So Sunday night I followed the same routine. Change, feed, burp, sleep, swaddle, goodnight. And he again slept through the entire night and into Monday morning. Again, it's possible he could have been tired, cause he did get to meet Uncle Jack's sister Angela, and her husband Rob that afternoon. He was yet again an angel. I love this kid. So anyway, he might have been tired or it might be the magic of the swaddle. Third time's a charm, cause we are trying again tonight. If this works, then I'm going to have to credit the swaddle! And BOW DOWN to the swaddle.
Sleep tight!
Lisa and Lucas

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