Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lazy rainy day. (Day 25)

Today was a good day. It started off all productive, but then it took a turn for the lazy. Lucas and I got up, went to the grocery store and got much needed food for our house, and then went to Springview to pay for Lucas' first week of daycare. I can't believe next Tuesday my little man will be off to daycare. I'll still be without a job, so I'm going to take him in the morning and then pick him up around like 2 maybe. If I can hold out that long. I know I'm going to miss him. I do have lots of projects to accomplish around the house so that should keep me occupied, but it'll be so quiet and quiet without him. sigh....

So, in preparation for our separation, today we napped. We played until it was nap time, but then, we napped. We took 2 good, glorious naps. I love snuggling up with him on the couch. He is the snuggliest little man. We really do nap well together. We also have our furry napping buddies, Sophie, Kahlua and Two Two. They are very bad examples for me and Lucas. They nap all day long. They may wander to the kitchen for food or water or possibly meander outside to pee, but they nap all day long. If only I could be a dog for a day. Oh the sleep I would get!!

Tomorrow, I'm planning on making Valentine's with Lucas!! So excited!


Lisa and Lucas

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