Monday, January 10, 2011

Chaos. (Day 10)

The house is not clean. The dishes are rarely done the day they are dirtied. The toilets are not scrubbed. This is the story of living with an infant.
I wake up each day with good intentions. I'll clean the (enter room in the house here) while Lucas is asleep. I'll wash and sanitize his bottles at his 2nd nap. I'll put him on his playmat and tidy the living room. Good intentions do not a clean house make. Most times the bottles get cleaned when there are none left for him to eat out of. The (enter room here) gets cleaned when it's too unbearable to stand in. It's not that he's a hard baby, he's just quite unpredictable. He may take a 30 minute nap or he may take a 2-3 hour nap.
Aside from cleaning during his naps, I also have to fit in time for my own meals and maybe a shower if time allows! There are often days where my shower is not fit in until Joe gets home from work (as is more than clear that was the case today, in the above picture.)
Lucas has all his needs met. He's hungry he eats. He needs changing he gets a clean diaper. he spits up on himself (or me) he gets changed immediately. He lives a nice life. There is evidence of that throughout our living room (aka headquarters). We spend the majority of our time in the living room. It's where his playmat, swing, bouncy seat, pack and play all call home. If he needs it throughout the day, chances are it's in the living room. As he grows, I'm sure this room will hardly be accesible due to all of his stuff. That's ok with me. He's happy and that's what matters.
I'm learning to deal with the chaos and lack of plans for the day. Before Lucas, I was a planner, I had to-do lists and I got the stuff on them done. Now, I understand that accomplishing one of the tasks on my list (assuming I have the time to write one) is considered a good day. I don't beat myself up too much for what needs to be done. It does get done eventually. Life goes on.
I think this topic came to me today, because we have spent the last 2 days in our house. No errands or trips anywhere. Just hung out in the house, and I think that is when I realized how much of a disaster our house is right now.
Lesson of the day: Chaos is ok with an infant. It's expected and will calm down in due time, but in the mean time. Go with it. Don't beat yourself up for the things you can't get done, think about the things you have done each day.
Lisa and Lucas

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