Saturday, January 8, 2011

All quiet on the homefront. (Day 8)

Today was a different day in the Russell household. We woke up, got ourselves and Lucas ready to go, and then off to my parents house we went. This might not sound out of the ordinary, but today when we got to Grandmas, we left Lucas, and proceeded to the movie theater. That was a hard. I'm sure my mom thought I was a loon when I gave her instructions, and tips on how to care for Lucas. She's raised 2 kids, I think she knows what's she's doing. It was just my way of having some sort of control on a situation that was new to me.

Since Lucas was born, I have only left him to go to the grocery store, or twice I went to the hospital to see my mom. The grocery store trips were maybe 30 mins at a time and the hospital trips, I was more worried about my mom than leaving Lucas. All of those times he was at home with his Dad. I was still nervous, cause well I think that just comes with the Mom territory, but he was with his Dad.

As we drove off, I didn't cry, surprising. I was worried, but I held it together. My mom knows what she is doing. She has a phone that she can call me in an instant. And by golly, Joe and I needed some time to just be on our own. It was a fun car ride over. It's not like Lucas really interferes with car ride conversation, but he wasn't there and it might have just made us a little silly. It was nice.

He was a good boy for the most part for Mom, and then later my Dad joined them. He slept, ate, and played. He was sleeping at 3pm when we got back. He even continued sleeping after we got home, until 6pm. He then ate, played and slept again til 9pm. It's weird to have made it to this late at night, and have hardly seen my little boy. We did give him a bath tonight. So that was fun. He is liking a bath more and more each time. We've got it to a routine in the kitchen sink and he likes it.

I have no idea how I'm going to feel once he starts daycare. How am I going to be able to handle not seeing him for that large part of his day. I know he will be more awake as he gets older, but still only a few hours at night will be rough. We will make the most of those hours. I promise that to myself and to Lucas.

The lesson for the day was, It's ok to leave the little man for a few hours, just make sure to make the most of the time you do have with him. Oh, and it's nice to have time alone with your husband.

Thanks Mom and Dad for watching our little angel.


Lisa and Lucas

PS: Note Lucas laying down to sleep in the picture! Progress!!!

1 comment:

  1. It was our pleasure - he is welcome to come stay with us anytime. I'm glad you and Joe had some "together/alone" time. ♥
