Thursday, January 6, 2011

All the Small Things. (Day 6)

I wake up everyday wondering what is yet to come. We follow our schedule. Wake up, change diaper, make bottle, burp, play and nap. Repeat every 3-4 hours. But it's what happens within this "schedule" that I'm most interested in. Like, when I go in to wake up Lucas, will he greet me with a great big smile?

This has been a GREAT week of small things. He loves playing on his playmat. He lays on his back looking up at the music and lights show, all the while kicking at his hanging octopus and grabbing at his hanging clips. Yes, he grabs at them. Welcome to the party fine motor skills. Today he grabbed the hanging rings and pulled himself onto his side. I swear he will be rolling over by 3 months. He is quite determined to do so, and I can't wait for it.

When we play, I also get to see my little man smile. He loves when you trail your fingers up his tummy and tap his nose with one finger. I get a smile every time! He has these precious toothless smiles, that border on, "if you put your finger too close to my mouth, I might eat it." I LOVE that look! He smiles when he looks at himself in the mirror. He has no idea that he is the one looking back at him, and he can stare at himself for quite some time.

I have also been privy to his sweet baby sounds. He says "Ahhh", "Unhh", and "Guhh". I love it!

He is also getting to where he reaches for me. Sometimes, I get the outstretched arms when he first wakes up, but mostly he reaches for me when we play. His little smile and outstretched arms warm my heart.

These small things make all the troubles in life go away. They make the dreary look of outside seem bright and sunshiny. They make the house look clean. I wouldn't trade my playtime with Lucas for a clean house. Sure, it would be nice, but not as nice as hearing my baby "talk." I wouldn't want to miss him rolling over. I know I will have to miss time with him soon enough, but for now, I savor these small things. These special moments that will forever be in my heart and my mind.

That's Lucas pulling himself onto his side in the picture. Such a grown up little boy. He'll be 10 weeks tomorrow. I want him to grow up and stay small all at the same time. I love his milestones, but I know they mean he won't be my little baby forever.


Lisa and Lucas

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