Monday, January 17, 2011

Hi. My Name is Lucas. (Day 16)

Today was a yet another busy day in the life of a baby. Lucas got to meet Uncle Jack's (Erin's fiance) sister Angela and her husband Rob. He then came home napped it out, and then went to a Golden Globes viewing! The boy is a social butterfly, what can I say!

My Mom and I met Angela and Rob, who are down from Maryland, at Ladles in West Ashley. When they got there, Lucas was just finishing up his bottle. He was still keeping a close eye on him while eating. He doesn't like to miss a thing. Once he finished he went straight into the arms of Angela. She was a natural with him. He was a wiggle worm like always, but he was so good meeting her. When she went to eat her lunch, Rob took over holding Lucas. He was having a good old time with him. He was quite a fan of Lucas' squishy legs, as most people are! He had him lying in his lap getting some good smiles from him. He too was quite a natural with Lucas. I think the three of them had a great time, and I know Lucas looks forward to seeing everyone again soon!

Lucas then went home to rest up for his big night at Beth Ann's house. He was going to his very first Golden Globes party! He was as always a sweet boy. He had fun in his bouncy seat, on the pile of pillows on the floor. He got to play with Beth Ann and Murphy Lou. He even got to see people dancing to the Michael Jackson Experience! CRAZY! His only rough part of the night was so my fault. It took like 15 mins of crying before I realized that he was crying (as he always does) because he was hungry. If I was at home it wouldn't have taken me this long. I just assumed he was tired.... Silly mom! So, he ate and went back to being the happy, lovey boy we all know and love. He slept the whole way home. Stayed asleep as I swaddled him, and then again, slept ALL through the night!

We'll see if this sleeping trend keeps up!


Lisa and Lucas

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