Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snuggle Buggin. (Day 11)

Today, Lucas spent the majority of his day wrapped up in my arms. After a day and night of non-sleeping, I decided if he would sleep in my arms, that was good enough for me. I did try laying him down a couple times today, but quickly learned that is not what he wanted at all.

Typically, he is quite happy in his bouncy seat, swing, and even pack and play. We are still working on getting him back into his crib. He was off his game yesterday, and I thought that if he just got some good sleep today, then he would be back to his normal self. This was for the most part true today.

He has eaten, played, smiled and talked. He's cried a couple times, but that is just his way of saying it's time to eat. He's a little fussy now, but that's pretty normal for this time of night. I think we just might get to sleep tonight!

We really didn't get to do much today, cause he was catching up on his sleep and that kinda kept me in one spot. Really, I'm just hoping for a good tomorrow. One where we can go about a more normal day, so we can have something more fun to report.

Lucas trick of the day: If you sit him in a slanted position he does sit-ups. This kid will be sitting up sooner than you know.


Lisa and Lucas

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