Sunday, January 2, 2011

The things you do for Love. (Day 2)

This time last year, my life was completely different in so many ways. Mostly though, I slept more. I love my bed. I LOVE to sleep. I have been known to sleep for a minimum of 12 hours on a weekend and 10 on a weekday. Sleep was kind of a hobby for me at times. Afternoon naps, were bliss. You got true sleep in the afternoon. There was no pressure to go to bed so that you would be fresh for work the next day, no to-do lists running through your head, just good pure sleep.

Then, in October my thoughts on sleep changed drastically. You start off in the hosptial getting woken up every hour for your vitals to be taken, so any chance of getting sleep before you go home, not so much. Then, you get home and you are all on your own. No nurses or doctors, just you, your husband and this brand new baby. Needless to say, sleep was not sound, nor plentiful. You had your own nerves to deal with while you slept and then there's the whole small baby tummy that needs to be tended to every 2 hours. This all equals, very little sleep.

I found it very funny that I was ok with this. I didn't mind the lack of sleep. I enjoyed waking up to that sweet face. Sure at 4 in the morning my eyes were getting heavy, but you see it's all worth it. People tell you to "sleep when he sleeps." I tried this, but I never knew when he was going to be asleep long enough for me to get some sleep and not just lay down long enough to make myself tired. As he is getting older, I'm now able to predict a little bit better how long he might sleep and I find myself taking advantage of a quick nap, but overall I found that advice hard for me to follow.

I now find myself sleeping in maybe 2, 3-4 hour chunks, and I'm surviving. As he gets older, and I'm now on my own in the house during the day, I do long for a touch more sleep, but it still amazes me how ok I am without my precious sleep. I do love that feeling of crawling back in the covers after laying him down for bed. It feels like climbing into a cloud, and I go right to sleep!

Today, Lucas started to become himself again getting his vaccines on Wednesday. He slept consistently this afternoon, and we got in some precious snuggling time. I love that time with him. Watching him fall asleep is so cute. He smiles as he nods off, he snores on occasion and he has to get himself in that right position. I wouldn't trade these moments with him for 12 hours of sleep. Not at all. Well, maybe one night wouldn't hurt, but I don't even think I would be able to do it anymore. I genuinely want to be awake when he is!

Goodbye sleeping in, hello adulthood!


Lisa and Lucas

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