Thursday, January 13, 2011

Life is Rough. (Day 13)

Today, Lucas and I spent the day at my Mom and Dad's house. I had a phone call I needed to take, and so they watched him so I could focus on my call. My Mom is so good with Lucas. She was a preschool teacher for the majority of my life, and so she knows, songs, stories, hand games and he is LOVES it. Needless to say, I wasn't surprised when I came downstairs to find Lucas falling asleep on his playmat. I know she wore him out!

First of all, I don't have that child that gets tired. If he does, he doesn't admit it until he is OVERtired and at that point, he doesn't just fall right to sleep. He fights sleep at this point. So, to walk into a room to see your child, that is not, bouncing, swinging or being held, just falling asleep. This was a BIG deal. I took so many photos in a row, that if you flipped through them fast enough, you feel like you were there as he fell asleep, I was quite proud of my little man today. He made me rethink bedtime for him.

As I am writing this post, I am seeing if Lucas is able to "put himself to sleep." I say that, but really he was quite tired to begin with and then also just ate a meal, so he's got a lot on his side to help him fall off into dreams. He's doing good so far. I have heard him make one noise on the monitor, but I'm sure it was just a getting settled noise. He'd let me know if he was unhappy. He's also being serenaded by the projector/music player he got for Christmas. It seems to play for about 10 minutes and has 2 scenes that it projects onto the ceiling. Lucas loves watching these at night time diaper changes, so I thought it might help soothe him to sleep.

I have a GREAT kid, but we have our issues when it comes to sleep. He's getting better I really believe. I'm grateful for that. I know he doesn't like the overtired feelings he has, and I know he can get good sleep and so I wish that for him. Should I benefit slightly from better sleep patterns, that's fine too.

Not sure if Lucas is sound asleep. I'm hearing some movement. Wish us luck. I'm going to check on him!


Lisa and Lucas

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