Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Doctor Loving boy! (Day 48)

Lucas must LOVE going to the doctor. We have hd to call them twice this week and we got to go in today. Lucas had blood in his poo this morning, so we had to get that checked out. It's either leftovers from his stomach bug last week, or it's possibly a further proteing allergy. If this continues over the weekend, then he might have to switch to a more hypoallergenic formula. Fingers crossed it's just leftovers from last week. The new formuals is a prescription, and more costly, but if it makes him happy we will do it. All I want is for his little tummy to feel good. Best part of it all is that he is happy and not seeming to be bothered by all of this. Fingers crossed he gets better soon!


Lisa and Lucas

1 comment:

  1. More pictures! More posts! Your legions of readers demand it!

    (This is not to make you feel bad, it's to make you feel loved.)
